When a patient is diagnosed with prostate cancer, it is important that information about the extent of spread is determined, and how it affected the gland. Determining to what is called prostate cancer staging. Prostate cancer staging classification includes the classification of certain diseases in order to derive the appropriate approach for your treatment.
Prostate cancer staging is conventionally done classification stages as phases A, B, C and D. Phase A and B may be curable, and in both cases, the cancer is localized in the gland. In this type of prostate cancer staging, stage C cancer has spread outside the prostate but has not reached the lymph nodes. Some at this stage there is some hope of cure. In the development stage, the cancer has already reached the lymph nodes, bones and other areas. Although prostate cancer at this stage can no longer be cured, it can be treated for the purpose of slowing down its activities.
A new prostate cancer staging system used today TNM notation. T means tumor, N means nodes (lymph nodes), and M means metastasized to other organs of the body.
for this prostate cancer staging system, the classification of T has two types: a) clinical stage, and b) pozornici.Kliničkom pathologic stage is important in determining whether prostate removal May be fine, although it will not show how cancer širenja.Patoloških stage is determined after the surgery and will enable one to know the severity of the cancer - also, no one will be able to have a better sense of how it would be fair for him in the future
.Prostate cancer staging system, whichever is used, provide general guidance on what to expect on any given level. He describes the state of prostate cancer cells in it, a treatment that can work for a degree, and the forecast for your case.
In addition to providing valuable information, prostate cancer, the system setup will be a useful tool for both patient and doctor alike. Patients will be able to understand their current situation and the specific status of their prostate. Doctors will be able to rely on them to come up with an appropriate approach for the treatment of patients.
without prostate cancer staging system, would not in any way putting the terms of the level and severity of cancer experienced a patient - not a reference to an appropriate approach in the treatment of prostate cancer prostate.Inscenacije system continues to be an effective tool and the basis for a treatment and prognosis.