Important Facts And Factors Regarding Prostate Cancer Survival Rates

Posted by writer on Wednesday, October 19, 2011

There are many factors involved in whether or not you get cancer, but if you are diagnosed with, what your prostate cancer survival rates can be. On May not be a pleasant thing to talk about it, but here are some facts:

Your age: All men have a risk of cancer prostate.Višak of you getting prostate cancer over your lifetime is one in ten. It is unusual for a person under the age of 60 will be diagnosed with prostate cancer. But when you reach your 60s, your chances now begin to grow with 70% of all diagnosed prostate cancer in men older than 65 years. Once you reach your 70's you now have one and three chances for prostate cancer diagnosis.

history of his family. If prostate cancer runs in your immediate family, his father or brother, you are 11 times more likely than the average man to develop prostate cancer

your ethnicity:. With nearly 2.4 times higher mortality rate than Caucasian men, African-American men are encouraged to earlier screening

food and obesity: According to research, your diet can affect your chances of developing cancer prostate.Stope mortality for obese women have increased.

your prostate cancer survival rate depends largely on what stage your cancer is diagnosed. There are four stages:

T1 stage: only through a microscope at this stage of cancer can be otkriven.Rizici at this stage are very low and may only require close observation, not treatment. Symptoms of the disease can not be felt at this stage.

T2 Stage: Now the cancer can be felt during a DRE (digital rectal examination). At this stage, the disease is often curable, and about 70% of men are still alive after 5 years. Symptoms May or May not feel at this stage.

T3 Stage: At this stage, the cancer is locally advanced and attacked outside prostate.Šanse for treatment at this stage is reduced and the survival rate is about 5 years. There could be symptoms of this stage, especially in the bladder.

T4 Stage: This is the most advanced stage of the cancer now spread to the structures around the gland. There are usually included as secondary metastases kostiju.Stopa survival is now between 1 and 3 years, as is usually incurable now.

your prostate cancer survival rate is very difficult to predict. Early diagnosis is key. Other factors such as age and general health status, how quickly your PSA (prostate specific antigen) is increasing and your Gleason score score.Gleason cancer looks under a microscope, checking their aggressiveness and how it affected žlijezda.Dobra news is that 99 % of men surviving at least five years after diagnosis, 10-year survival rate was 92% and 61% will survive at least 15 years. So, get your recommended exams beginning at 50 years for the average man and 45 for those with higher risk factors.

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