Prostate cancer is a growing problem everywhere, particularly for men who live in the developed world. In the United States, about one in six men and is diagnosed with prostate cancer at some point in their lives, and about one in every thirty six people will die of it, which is the second leading cause of cancer related death among American men. And, as the population ages, it becomes an even greater threat because 80 percent of men 80 years or older have prostate cancer cells u.Zamah behind green tea as a part of life that promotes longevity and aids in disease prevention and management is picking up rapidly in the last time, but what hard scientific data exists to suggest that it might remain the scourge of prostate cancer?
Tea, all this comes from a more or less the same plant. Differences between green tea, black tea, oolong, white tea, or puerh are mainly caused by growing conditions, processing, and the age and origin of the actual plant (the clone, the cultivar, etc.). This is important because the process of making oolong or black tea involves the oxidation of bruising, cutting or otherwise compromise the leaves and exposed to oxidative enzymes within the air outside, so rusty color and distinctive flavor profiles, but it also has a serious impact on the chemical components of the final products, ie, what ends up in your cup.
Green tea and white tea varieties are of special interest when considering the potential health benefits of green tea's high concentration of extremely potent polyphenol, epigallocatechin gallate, or egcg.Um numbing number of clinical and laboratory studies have been done on EGCG and its effects on human prostate cancer, and produced some very encouraging data.
One of the most widely touted study published in Cancer Letters in 1998 and showed the ability of EGCG induce cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, or programmed cell death in human prostate cancer cells. Many studies that have followed, confirming the results of the detailed examination of the mechanisms that can be achieved.
one year proof of principle study on Sezione di Biochimica, Universita di Parma in Parma, Italy produced some very exciting rezultate.Skupina of 60 volunteers with high grade intraepithelial neoplasia, which is basically a microscopic lesions in the prostate leading to cancer development prostate in 30% of cases were treated in a double-blind placebo-controlled study using 600 mg daily ukatehina green tea extract is composed mainly (51.88%) of EGCG. One year after the first biopsy (if no cancer was present), 9 cancers were found in 30 participants who received placebo (go figure, 30%), while only 1 cancer was found in a group of thirty participants who were given green tea catechins, which fell to about 3.3 %!
These are just two examples of hard scientific data suggests that green tea has some serious potential in the fight against cancer, but they have barely enough energy to convince a skeptic. So why stop here? Put the water and get comfortable for some more reading! Knowledge is power, and the tea is a cure, take all you can get!
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